Domain Names – Hosting

Looking to buy a Domain Name, Website Hosting and or an Email Package then buy them online by clicking here:


Buying a domain starts at:

  • $60 for 2 years for a domain name

Additional Services

You can purchase hosting or email in addition to your domain.

First you will need your username and login for the administration side of your account which should have been emailed to you to purchase the additional services.

Accounts & Configuration

You will receive 2 logins for your account

One will control your administration side, such as renewal payments, the other will control the configuration side, such as emails, hosting etc

You will receive a username and password for both and they will be different

The first time you log on you will have to change your password.

Configure Emails

Email settings can be found here:

To access emails on the internet:
Enter your email address then password.


Do you need assistance with setup – then my regular fees will apply