Scams - Why Are You Still Falling For Them

Scams, I still get calls about these every week.

So why haven't you learnt?

Phone Calls

If it's unexpected, reject it , why are you answering calls from interstate numbers that you do not know.

Why do you believe it's your:

  • Bank
  • Microsoft
  • Your internet service provider
  • Amazon - and why would you let someone who purports to be from Amazon access your bank online
  • Your credit card company

When it comes to emails:

  • Have you checked the sender's address
  • Do you check BSB and Account numbers for all emails that contain an invoice
  • Do you send your credit card details by email

When it comes to your computer:

  • Do you let strangers or phone calls from " unknown companies " log on to your computer
  • Do you let these strangers install remote access software

If you have been scammed and you let the bank know they will close down your account and then you will be required to get someone in, like me, to give you a " clean bill of health.

The same principles apply to your smartphones and tablets.

If you have been scammed and need assistance, please CONTACT ME

Stop Remote Access To A Relatives Computer

Do you have a relative that is falling for scams by allowing remote access to their computer?

I can lock down their computer Windows or Apple so that they will not be able to install remote access software but still enjoy all the pleasure from using their computer.


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