Looking for a speaker or a training session for your business or organisation. 

I conduct entertaining, insightful, relevant talks and training sessions on all aspects of computers and technology including:

  • Microsoft / Apple / Google / Windows /Office

  • Computers /Tablets / Smartphones

  • The Cloud / Backup

  • IT Security / Keep accounts safe

  • Social Media - effective and safe use

  • Scams - how to avoid them - what to look for

  • Digital Death - what to do about your online world when you die

All my talks also come with a Q & A session like my radio spots on FIVEaa where you can ask me any question

Please CONTACT ME for enquiries.

Why have a presentation from Richard Pascoe - Adelaide Techguy ?

A presentation by Richard Pascoe on aspects of technology would undoubtedly be a valuable and enlightening experience for the audience. Here are several compelling reasons why such a presentation would be a great idea:

  1. Expertise and Authority: Richard Pascoe is a respected technology commentator with extensive experience in the field. His regular appearances on radio stations like FIVEaa, PowerFM, 5MU, 5RM, 7AD, 7BU, and SEAFM1 demonstrate his authority and knowledge. Attendees would benefit from his insights, practical advice, and up-to-date information.

  2. Relevance and Timeliness: Technology is an integral part of our lives, shaping everything from communication to business operations. Richard’s presentation would address current trends, innovations, and challenges. Whether it’s discussing the impact of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, or the latest gadgets, attendees would gain relevant knowledge.

  3. Engaging Communication Style: Richard’s ability to convey complex technical concepts in an accessible manner is commendable. His engaging communication style ensures that even non-experts can grasp intricate details. Attendees would leave the presentation feeling informed and inspired.

  4. Interactive Q&A Sessions: Richard’s presentations often include interactive segments where he answers listeners’ questions. This direct engagement fosters a dynamic learning environment. Attendees can seek clarification, share their experiences, and gain personalized insights.

  5. Broad Audience Appeal: Technology affects everyone—professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts alike. Richard’s presentation would resonate with a diverse audience. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or someone curious about the digital landscape, there’s something for everyone.

  6. Practical Takeaways: Richard doesn’t just discuss theoretical concepts; he provides practical takeaways. Attendees can expect actionable tips, best practices, and recommendations. Whether it’s optimizing smartphone settings or safeguarding personal data, Richard’s insights empower people to make informed choices.