The Issues With Swapping From One Android Phone To Another

You can have problems!

If you switch from one brand to another, not everything might or can move over.

For example, if you used Samsung apps on your old phone, those Samsung apps are not going to swap to another brand , only a Samsung phone.

I don't recommend Samsung software , such as their calendar app or Samsung Notes , its much better to use Google Calendar or Google Keep which will be synced with Google account.

If you get a retailer / telco to do this many do a great job , however I am increasingly getting reports of retailers / telscos being happy to sell you a phone but are reluctant to swap your data over to the new phone or struggle to do a decent job.

What can go wrong ?

  • You will be asked to create a new Gmail account , especially if you have forgotten your password or they dont want to go through the process of resetting your password . You dont need another Gmail account.
  • Your giving the person transferring the data , your passwords to many of your apps , including emails outside of Gmail.
  • With the changing face of emails , many retailers / telcos struggle to set up / reset up email accounts from the many providers that are out there.I had a client who had 5 people trying to set up her email account and changed her email passwords.

So what can you do ?

  • Ask if they are comfortable doing it ?
  • Do they have the knowledge to do it ?
  • Source someone to do it , but be aware that you will have to pay to get this done , but this can alleviate concerns that you may have.

Many Android phones in a lot of circumstances are relatively easy to swap to:

  • Samsung to Samsung , they have software called Smart Switch
  • Most brands to Google Pixel phones

You can also use the Google One app to back up everything to Google , there is a cost involved ( but you really should be backing up your smartphone.

Once you have the Google One app on your smartphone you know that your data and your apps are all backed up , then when you buy a new phone , logon to your Google One app and it will offer to install everything from your old phone.

If you need assistance with your transfer or smartphone issues , please CONTACT ME


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