Would A Ban On Social Media Platforms For Children Work ?

The South Australian government is considering implementing a ban on social media platforms such as Facebook for individuals under the age of 14.

The practicality and enforceability of such a prohibition raise significant questions.

**How would it be enforced?**

The reality is that enforcing a ban on social media usage for those under 14 could prove to be quite challenging. Social media sites typically do not require proof of age beyond self-reported birthdates, making it difficult to verify a user's age accurately. Without demanding official identification like a driver's license, it's nearly impossible for these platforms to prevent underage users from signing up and accessing content.

**What happens if underage users bypass the ban?**

If young individuals manage to circumvent the ban and access social media, the situation becomes even more complex. Should they encounter any issues or negative experiences, the lack of explicit permission to use these platforms complicates the response and resolution process.

**The role of parents:**

In this scenario, the responsibility shifts to parents and guardians. It's essential for them to engage in open dialogues with their children about social media use. They should discuss the implications of joining these platforms and consider whether following the crowd is necessary or beneficial. Parents can guide their children to make informed decisions about their online presence and the potential risks involved.

Ultimately, while the government's intentions may be to protect young people, the effectiveness of such a ban depends on a collaborative effort between policymakers, social media companies, and families to create a safe and responsible digital environment for minors.

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