Five Windows 10 Features You May Not Know About

Windows 10 promised some much better features as a recovery from the shocker that was Windows 8!

Microsoft has added some clever tips and tricks over the years to Windows 10, some obvious, some you may have yet to come across that will no doubt improve your work day. Try some of these before Windows 11.

1. Quick Menu:

Right-click on the Windows icon (bottom left, or hold your finger on it - tablet users)

This gets you around your Windows 10 settings much faster by accessing them without first having to open the settings app. Instead of navigating to find the sub-menus, from this you can quickly access Apps, Features, System and Power Options. You can even load Windows Powershell, Device Manager and Event Viewer.

2. Clipboard:

Windows Key + V

Avoid the pain of always losing the last thing you copied when using copy and cut commands! Clipboard saves all your recent cuts and copies in a small menu. You’ll need to use it for the first time, then it will start remembering copies and will only forget them after you turn your computer off and on. If you you're working on a Windows computer all day, this will save you loads of time looking for the last things you copied - it works for links, text and even images!

3. Emoji Menu:

Windows Key + . (period)

Though not as well executed as Apple Mac’s more identifiable emoji ’s, with unification across all their devices, Windows also has some emoji support.

This menu allows you to insert emoji’s into your text, including a decent assortment of text faces.

4. Xbox Game Bar:

Windows Key + G

This one’s for you Gamers that play in Fullscreen mode. In an intensive full-screen application, usually a video game, this gives immediate access to Windows associated gaming services. Not just your system stats and Xbox friends either, non-gamers, it can start screen recordings and even access your Spotify Playlists.

5. Snip and Sketch:

Windows Key + Shift + S

This is a super useful tool that surpasses using the Print Screen key (which isn’t the best at delivering a screencap from a live stream, or certain images).

You may have used the Snipping Tool but Snip and Sketch incorporates both functions. After you've loaded it with the 3 key command, cut out the image you're after and it will be instantly copied. You’ll also be able to save it as a file!

Happy Functionality!

By the way if you are still running Windows 7 or 8 Contact Me to organise an upgrade to Windows 10

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